Musings of someone interested in politics

32 year old chap getting married in 2008 living and working in London connected to the Westminster Village.

Friday, January 05, 2007


An exciting week as not only am I still on leave, but I also bought S an engagement ring.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A New Year and a new post

The New Year was seen in with a party at my sister's place which was good fun. Lots of food and party popper indoor fireworks. So we ate the poppers and threw the food in the air!

S and I are busy with the planning for the wedding. Yesterday afternoon, however, had nothing to do with planning anything, as we went to Hatton Gardens and I bought the engagement ring :) We spent a couple of hours looking at different diamond rings, but came back to the first one we had looked at. The jewelers are changing the mount, so the ring will be ready for collection on Friday.

On the political front we have now entered the last 6 months of the Blair Premiership and the Labour Party is likely to start looking back with nostalgia whilst stupidly thinking that things will now get better for them with a move back to the left. If they do this they will lose the next general election but remain in government much as John Major did in 1992. Whilst this will show that democracy is alive and well, I don't want to see a government paralysed by inviting and indecision. It would be an interesting environment in which to work, but I don't think it would result in good government. Term limits as in the de jure US would not be appropriate, but we do have de facto term limits as a Prime Minister that stays for more than 8 or 9 years outlives their welcome from the electorate. Unfortunately, this one doesn't know any history and therefore missed the opportunity to stand down at his choosing. Never easy to walk away from power, and as much as I dislike Enoch Powell he was write to say that all Premierships end in failure.